EP Update!

It's been a while since I updated the blog and I want to keep you updated.

I went into the studio yesterday with the great Kristin Cole to do a little Kickstarter video stuff. We got some good footage of me pretending to record since Andrew Osenga is away on paternity leave. (Speaking of which, congrats to Andy and Allison Osenga on Charlotte Olive Osenga!) It gave me an excuse to play some of Andy's fabulous geetars and his blue piano. We should have the whole video done soon. I'm excited about it.

I have set up a new Kickstarter page, but I'm not launching it until the video is ready. The first Kickstarter.com campaign to fund my debut solo EP was not successful...technically. We've raised some money outside of Kickstarter, and we had $650 in pledges for the first campaign. Since we didn't get the full $6000 we needed, Kickstarter doesn't charge the folks who pledged.

So, I'm asking those who have already pledged to pledge again when the new page is up. And I'm asking you to pledge to give as well. We will have some great incentives for giving. You can simply give $4 and pre-order the EP for less than it'll cost at iTunes or Amazon.