New Song Fest Debacle or Opportunity?

Well, we were supposed to play at New Song last weekend, but our ride had other plans. After hours in the shop, after hearing the phrase "it'll be done in about twenty minutes" several times, the band realized they were not going to make it.

I was already there though. So, as the saying goes, the show must go on. I did a very impromptu set of my solo music as well as off the cuff acoustic versions of "My Tubesocks" and "You Don't Know Sarah". The heat index was 110 degrees. I have never been that hot during a show in my life. And that despite the fact that I broke the cardinal rule of rock stars. I wore shorts.

Anyway, thanks to all who stuck it out and stayed for the show despite the lack of other Heroes. We will do our absolute best to be back at New Song next year as a full band!